
1984 by George Orwell FULL Audiobook. W wolnym czasie polecamy wam, do poczytania i posłuchania.


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Czas trwania w sek/min: m s


- Fryzjer, Lublin, lub też zobacz, posłuchaj i sam oceń czy warto..
- 2:36:20
- 7:46:59
- Finished...most mentally and emotionally exhausting book Ive read or listened to. So glad I did though
- The intro does not come from Orwell himself, and I don't like it cause it's supposed to give me a certain oppinon about the following, some one else thinks I should have.
But thanks for the upload anyway!!
Read the german Vorwort (introduction)! It's surprisingly different, but also contains propaganda.
- This was one CRAZY/scary book and audiobook...
Loved it.
- Timeless novel.
- 3:55:14
- 52:27
- bookmark 40:44
- don't read the comments if you don't want spoilers
- 36:20
- Bookmark 17:13
- this book is wasted on high school education. if it is required in those years i wish the educators would give it a serious discussion and application. it was just another "read" and regurgitate in every case i know of.
- bookmark 6:40:55

This is insanely good, btw....I could go on but I dont want to be depressed for the rest of the day
- At first, I absolutely hated this book. But now, I appreciate it a little more. I liked how Big Brother won at the end.
- Bookmark 20:24
- K
- 6:45:51
- ++GD