
Fight Club Audiobook. W wolnym czasie polecamy wam, do poczytania i posłuchania.


Liczba odsłon 42637 oraz ocena 323. Zobacz też, jak inni komentują niżej, czy mają rację.


Czas trwania w sek/min: m s


- integracyjne, lub też zobacz, posłuchaj i sam oceń czy warto..
- 3:20
- 2:42:40
- 25:53
- 2:08
- why are there Gaps in the yellow line
- Man I love Chuck Palahniuk so much.
- 1:27:20
- 1:17:00
- It's amazing that you can utterly ruin a book with an anti corporate message by putting in more adds than there is book
- 46:00
- Awesome, Brad Pitt is in this book!
- 7:08 - chapter 2
23:12 - chapter 3
48:48 - chapter 4
- it's not gasoline and frozen orange juice concentrate! I'm so pissed they edited the fricking book. It's gasoline and styrofoam till it makes a gel.
- dose any one know who's reading this?
- 3:05:54
- 1:45:30
- for them to break up this book like 50 times is complete scumbag mode, corporate fucking blood sucking leeches have to shove their products down your throat, nobody gives a shit, it actually turns more people off then raising sales, FUCK OFF and leave youtube alone, it's bad enough we sit through them on tv, now on the fucking internet too? jerkoffs, leeches
- Wow, a 5 hour book, lol nice... Just finished a 14 hour one, then a 20 before that. :-)
- 2:07:00
- there are parts missing..