
Part 1 - The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe Audiobook by Daniel Defoe (Chs 01-04). W wolnym czasie polecamy wam, do poczytania i posłuchania.


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Czas trwania w sek/min: m s


- sprzątanie klatek schodowych lublin, lub też zobacz, posłuchaj i sam oceń czy warto..
- Great book.
- 1:42 Thanks!
- Needs an English accent. Like listening to Huck Finn with a Yorkshire accent.
- Thank you for uploading though :) although the adverts are kinda annoying
- Why does he have to go on about wind and storms and savages and rafts and powder blah blah blah dull :/
- dunno. this is more musical?
- just like TV - stupid ass commercials come blasting twice as loud!
- what is this only reading???!!
- nice, I can work in my shop and keep my eyes on my fingers. CK
- For me, the beginning chapters of a book are usually the hardest to get through, and they bore me so much that I start in the middle before going back to the beginning to read it through like a normal person would, heheh. But as for vocabulary, I think it's good to have some that challenges a reader to expand his or her own, now and then. ;)
- haha joke! Nice work
- would you say... sofa, so good? 
- I just watched up to10:32, will keep on watching this week I think. Thank you for sharing. This is an excellent education material!;)
- Lol SUCK
- It is great that there are audiobooks on youtube ! i hope to improve my english pronunce . :D
- Sch
- snus <3
- He groes some later in the book ;)
- can you please, tell me the name of the narrator? thanks. and thanks for posting, you did a great job:-)
- they're only joking,.. keep calm !