
Starship Troopers by Robert A Heinlein audiobook full. W wolnym czasie polecamy wam, do poczytania i posłuchania.


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- http://www.swiatprzyrody.eu/, lub też zobacz, posłuchaj i sam oceń czy warto..
- narrator read very well, i can't stand when they do different voices for charcters.. this guy actually read with only slight tonal inflections, although i can't tell if it's because there is a lack of dialogue in starship troopers or of he just reads in a way that i like. regardless i enjoyed! and ofc SST is always a joy to read
- why math at 7:28
- I like this
- 47:05
- Excellent reading. Inflection calls Anthony Perkins to mind.
- the readers voice is quite underwhelming
- Hey, yes the book is better than the movie
- 47:00
- The author:

- Bookmark: 8:00:00
- great book. would recommend
- Absolutely fantastic upload. There is a lot about Heinlein's world view I don't agree with, but I bloody love this book and the discussions it brings. I'm working on a walkthrough of the Terran Ascendancy game atm. I would love to link to this in the description when I'm done as though many are aware of the movie, I doubt many know it was originally a book!
- Thanks for posting. Excellent book, decent narrator. While the movie and book are just barely connected, the movie is not as bad as some people make it out to be.
- LOL that description though......
- hg I nwg/,2 4# it.0
- 8:12:05
- Horrible narrator
- I read the book. saw the movie. movie was silly but fun
- This is a great book, shame about the film.
Its a good film as long as it isn't anything to do with this book, but it ruined everyone's perceptions of the book