
The Obsession Nora Roberts Audiobook. W wolnym czasie polecamy wam, do poczytania i posłuchania.


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Czas trwania w sek/min: m s


- Komentarze innych osób dotyczących książki, lub też zobacz, posłuchaj i sam oceń czy warto..
- A very odd story. Like two completely different stories. Will it somehow connect?
- Drenching green ?...mills and boon trash..and millions of dumb Americans buy this crap, no wonder she's not popular in England..now I know why, she's shit at writing.
- The mother makes me so mad. Even in the most religious mind, how does selling your children out to help your seriel killer husband make sense?
- I would love to slap Naomi's mother non stop for the rest of my life.
- Dxx
- Very good book to read (could do without the "salty" language though!). Kept me guessing until the end... thanks for sharing the books on audio...
- I really am enjoying listening to it how ever, Nora Robert is my favorite author!
- I just paid $39.99 for this book from Chapters!
- it drags in the middle the first 2 hrs and last 2hrs are the ones that really catch your attention but everything in between is just boring
- Okay, I listened to the entire book. The first hour was suspenseful and kept me wanting to hear more, but after that, it was uninteresting and boring. I kept listening, thinking that something suspenseful or mysterious would happen, but no, that didn't happen. There was way too much talk about fixing up and decorating her house. The ending was a disappointment, too. Oh, well. . .
- I really liked Naomi's character in the beginning. From the middle to the end I was constantly rolling my eyes at her. And way too much dragging about stupid shit. This book could've been cut in half.
- LOL Nintendo?
- The first two hours were good, then the narrative dragged and dragged. Oh, well I slept fine thanks to this book.
- Like paint drying. Maybe it's the voice of the reader.
- This is a great story It is kinda lengthy in the middle no doubt but stick to it I like to listen to audio books when I clean the house it helps me zone out and makes cleaning more enjoyable and less of a chore. But in the last 2 hours of this book i did not want it to end I encourage you to not give up in the middle it gets better.
- really good. wish it was movie
- 2:22:58
- it was a verrrrrrry slow book
- The Search kept the pace all the way thru. Not like this one. First part of this is so gripping- a real contrast to the rest of the book.
- OMG... I guess everyone who said it's sloooooow in the middle is right! Geesh! Not sure if I even want to keep listening. It's like the first part of the book doesnt even matter any more - although i'm sure it will in the end. Booooooring, boring on and on and on... when is something halfway interesting going to happen?