The Silmarillion Audiobook J R R Tolkien Part 1/2. W wolnym czasie polecamy wam, do poczytania i posłuchania.
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Czas trwania w sek/min: m s
- Komentarze innych osób dotyczących książki, lub też zobacz, posłuchaj i sam oceń czy warto..
- Back again. Finished both parts 1 and 2 and loved it. Don't know if the owner of this channel actually does the audio books himself, but if you are could you please do the Lord of the Rings. Your voice fits perfectly with the setting of Middle Earth and I'm struggling to listen to anyone else haha
- 4:11:48 first human awakes
- Beautiful voice, so pleasing to listen:)
- So beautiful. I love listening to this.
- I pray that the hour may come when I become half a match for Tolkien. Perhaps one day.
- back here again to be thrown around by the amazing lore!
- i am at 9:51 and this recording skipped three times. looking back in the book it's a few sentences to a paragraph or two. strange
- WASPS have'th given this zenith of music in 1960s before the decline into (c)Rap ..
- so many ads I wish phone had adblock
- Proud to be the 69th like xD
- The mind of Tolkien was like that of Eru methinks :-)
- Thanks for sharing! I'm leaving this post as a personal bookmark for when i revisit.
2:09:00 - 7 sons of Feanor
5:16:30 - Of the Noldor in Beleriand
8:50:00 - Of Turin Turambar
- Can't wait for part 2!
- Amazing that such rich and complex history could come from the mind of one man. And that it be so authentic to real creation myths. At first I just couldn't bring myself to like the Silmarillion. The writing is beautiful, but the story was indistinct and hard to follow as there is no small set of characters around which the story revolves.
Only when I started studying classics and mythology did I realise I was going about it all wrong. The Silmarillion is intended to be read like a religious text. Thereby you can come to truly appreciate how rich this incredible book is.
Thanks so much for sharing.
- 0:00 Intro
1:17 Ainulindalë
27:32 Valaquenta
44:04 -Of the Maiar
51:17 Quenta Silmarillion
51:25 I. Of the Beginning of Days
1:16:06 II. Of Aulë and Yavanna
(work in progress)