
The Wisdom of Psychopaths By Kevin Dutton Full Audiobook. W wolnym czasie polecamy wam, wizaż




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- Komentarze innych osób dotyczących książki, lub też zobacz, posłuchaj i sam oceń czy warto..
- where can I find free pdf ? please send me the link . :)
- psychopathy is a gambit. I've seen your nature and choose mysanthropy.
- I hope you illiterate morons get cancer in your genitals... 😈
- 3:56
- 1:30:00
- Psychopaths are deficient....their lack of fear is a little useful in dangerous situations but more often leads to dumb ass behavior since a true psychopath wont feel fear until the MOMENT you stick a noose around is neck. Their lack of empathy often makes them poor judges of character and also makes them more prone to predatory behaviors and thus not trustworthy .... not being trustworthy often ends up with all kinds of social costs. There prob is some social use for them, they can when properly trained make good soldiers or policemen but in general they make everyone around them unhappy and get bored easily leading to greater rates of suicide and depression as well as VD and risk for ending up in jail.... The only wisdom any psychopath has shown is convincing normal people that being a heartless reckless jerk would be cool....hahahaha...its like "RainMAN" making autism cool. The sad thing is that the higher functioning psychopaths dream of making a world where they can prey on otehrs without being judged and the stupid people, lulled by generations of easy living , are falling for the lie that psychopathy has any advantage. SUre...being a jackass might be cool if your 12, but in the long term people who think like 12 year old boys tend to get f'd over in the adult world
- Perfect book for me.
- 3:17
- The author talks about how the word psychopath incorrectly has a particular feeling associated with it, and then proceeds to perpetuate the false stigma.
- The book was good. Not great. Some good information.
- The error is the false equivalency of numbers vs real life ok,,, so it is an emotional dis order,,,, not simply psychopathy,,, but another way of obtaining the Number,,, by pathos and oblation to that "God" of the Gap in the fullness of the man spirit equation... see... if is another fallacy in need of disabuse,,, pathos is evil by way of the intent to harm,,, not so much save others,,, I mean talk about inflated ego's ha h h aaaaaaaa if you agree the numbers matter then well,,, that is the normalcy bias is it not...
- This is no longer an academic endeavor,,, it is a painful process of eliminating the fallacy from the proverbial spiders web,,, ha h haaaaa I could have made this case in about an hour,,, and been too complicated to be effective so,,, this is harsh for me to dig out of let alone agree with ha h hah ahaaa...
- No wonder this damn book is 8 hours Ha h hah  haaaaaaa I haven't even gotten to two ha h aaaa and his case is done,,, he does not comprehend his own mind,,, let alone a thinking mans... ha h ha haaaa
- This guy is confused ha h haaaaa or he could make the case in a couple lines ha h haaaaa and a conclusion,,, rather than a mountain of assertions hah hah aa
- Ha h ah h ah aaaa so let me get this straight ok doc... this guy uses assertions without evidence to back it up and then expects us to make a conclusion when He can't,, I mean by the truth in fact,,, the logical process,,, causing total confusion by the very case he does not make correctly as all other Philos in the god damn universe does and He expects that to be " The Answer,,,, Because he said so or Proved it,,, ha h haa that is my question,,, how is it Profe of or evidence of induction into the case,,, it is absurd fantastical assumption and assertion of a fallacy,,, at best,,, and the least ignorant of the process,,, ha h ah haaaa so,, Nihil once again,,, we have three distinct positions to take,,, all others are variables,
- Dude when you make 50 assertions without one induction of circumstantial let alone a universal fact,,, in the fact chain required for a logical conclusion... you show me,,, you lack in the skill to do so,,, ha h haaaaa make the case or enough of the rhetorical jibberish ok,,,, clown boy,,, ha h hah haaaaaa i'll do a triad or a quadratic equivocal but god damn it man.. let go of metatrons cube or balls ok,,, make the conclusion... or become a hanging "Chad" ha h ha h ha ha h haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa do not milk the bull,,
- At about 1;58 you make the case for,,,emotional detachment ok,, so,,, the logic is,,, why fear Death,,, if it is final or un knowing,,, as a resting rather than a knowing,,,and,,,like the past that is no longer with us the future is not here,,, so,,, why bother to worry about what does not directly effect us yet,, is the case,,, for no emotional attachment and remorse if we justify our actions even when other observers make assumptions on our variables and choices.,,, it becomes the observer effect so,,, it looks different to the observer than the actor... expression may not be noticed by way of the gaps in the observers observation of the man,,, or intent,, or the logic and emotional within the man... so,,,, it is just another fantasy,,, of the observer,,, ha hhah aaa Hes not the victim so I can blame him of self harm... yet that is subjective also... see...
- pejoratives epithet and aspersion is color,,, h ah haaaaa I require meat with my potatoes,,, Why would an author,,, an artist or a thinker,,, not see and use the Drama Triangle of protagonist antagonist victim or the dialectic of thesis antithesis synthesis how is it,,, these concepts Function to bring chaos vs ordo,,, to anything if not everything,,, let alone a guardian or a pathological unwilling to be the victim,,, it is simply the way our mind works or not and can be logically proven,,, every time,,, using that dialectic of induction to the deduction,,, or valid argument... to many variables in a strange entanglement to do otherwise... is that not so,,, I mean and survive,,, right.,,, Homo et lex lupis ab hominid predaceous  ad Homonid...  Man is Wolf Predator of man... Ha h ha haaaaa sheep and goat 101#  check the clothing ha h haaaa
- man dude I see you know the dance h ah haa but,,, it reduces to Three ego states,,, like color or light,,, the black white and gray,,, like red blue and yellow,,, so,,, whatever ha h ah haaaaaa I mean when order comes from chaos,,,, then it can't be a disorder,, other than corruption of the facts ha h hah aaaaa I mean the True ones,,,, it ain't 5,,, ha h haaa it is 3 ha h haaaa reduce the anonyms,,, haha h aaa you reduced the homonyms and the synonyms,,,,,, take it to the Drama Triangle,,, of Art Reflecting the Man,,, ha h hah aaaa it is 3,,,, ego states or an infinity of bull shit,,, ha h haaa for a creative imagination to go where no man will boldly go or otherwise,,, ha h haaaa  3,,, the number reduces to 3,,,, ha h haha not 5,,, or 6,,, 3,,,, ha h haaaaa I men it is all in the sacred geometry of the platonic solids if you must know ha h haaaaaaaaaaaaa,,, ancient shit,,, not this new wave bull shit h ha haa a Truth whos Time has come... for a auto deffay or a good disabusing,,,Ha h ha h aaa
- The definition used is too long and not specifically universal as harmful orr good,,, so ordering ones mind and spirit path is not evil,,, evil has a legal definition as well,,, and I can't recall the definition being in the DSM as a disorder,,,, so,,, ill go look again,,, but not in 5..... ill use 4 or 3 or 1,,,, so,,, it is closer to academic integrity than an insurance manual... by the way were talking Greek and Roman Philos here,,, not some rhetorical bull shit so,,, lets keep it Real and define this thing,,,, taking the stigma out of the dogma,,, for many a good man and woman diagnosed with psychopathy... a benign construct of the abstract mind of man...